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Evaluasi Kebijakan Infrastructure Maintinance Opertion (IMO) dan Track Acces Charges (TAC) Dalam Pengelolaan Bisnis Kereta Api di Indonesia

The train is one of the oldest modes of transportation in Indonesia. This study attempts to evaluate policy maintance infrastructure and operation (IMO) and track access changes (TAC). Both schemes are developed in order to maintain the railway infrastructure. This study uses the approach developed by dunn (1988) by using the metodology of policy analisis approach to the questionnaire on five aspects. The five aspects namely policy problems policy autcomes policy performance policy alternatives and policy action. The study results indicate that there is a policy problem namely the inplementation of IMO and TAC in the condition has been the enactmenp of new legislation law no. 23 of 2007 on trailways. In the new regulatory mechanism of IMO and TAC no longer able to do given the existing business entities in charge of taking care fachilities and railways. The impact of policy IMO and TAC visible from the deteriorating safety peformance with the increasing trend of accident thet occurred beteewn rail and public transport. On the other hand the saurce of accidents armainly the result of les terawatnya bersinggungan railroad crossing wiht road. By considering these condition then you should have recommended an artenatife policy namely policy based on the spirit of the Act. Authors recommend the need to carry out the mandate of law and delete policies IMO and TAC. this can be done if the Government consistently to be invovedin the mechannism of State Capital (PMN). This means that the Government has only one intervention only mechanism accountable and transparent though the PMN.

Informasi Detail

Judul Seri
Kode Buku
380.5072 WAR 20
No Reg
Penerbit Bag. Serial Warta Penelitian Perhubungan. Jurnal Kementerian Perhubungan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan : .,
Deskripsi Fisik
Sumber artikel:Jurnal. Halaman: 1007-1018
No. 10. Vol. 23 Oktober-2011
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

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